The International Catacomb Society congratulates Shohet Scholars Steven Fine and Jodi Magness on the global impact of their pioneering and innovative work on Jewish archaeology and history:
An article by the Times of Israel highlights Fine's research on the Menorah, "the Western world’s oldest continuously used religious symbol":
LIve Science has listed the Huqoq mosaics (the scenes of Noah's Ark and the parting of the Red Sea), two of Magness' many discoveries on the site of a Byzantine-era synagogue, as one of the "The 9 Biggest Archaeological Discoveries of 2016": (in fact, according to the article, most of the major discoveries of 2016 were made in Israel!).
The Shohet Scholars Program is an annual grant program of the International Catacomb Society for research on the Ancient Mediterranean from the Hellenistic Era to the Early Middle Ages. The next application deadline is January 15, 2017. Information and application instructions are here.
#ShohetScholars @TimesofIsrael @YUNews @UNCCollege @LiveScience
International News Coverage of Shohet Scholars Steven Fine and Jodi Magness