ICS Advisor Tessa Rajak Co-Author of New Digital Resource on Josephus

From ICS Advisor, Prof. Tessa Rajak (Somerville College, Oxford):

Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce a new digital resource, the Josephus Reception Archive: http://josephus.orinst.ox.ac.uk/archive/jra.
We hope you will visit it and find it useful. We warmly welcome feedback and offers of participation in the future development of the JRA.
The online platform presents concise information about the reception of Josephus to scholars, students, and indeed anyone with an interest in the subject. It is meant to engage, enlighten and assist a wide public of readers and investigators in many fields. Students of history and of literature, of Judaism and of Christianity, of the reception of the Classical world, of culture and of political thought, of art and of music, and should all find here answers to questions that arise in their researches and in their reading.
The online archive in this initial stage reflects the parameters of the AHRC Project on the Reception of Josephus in Jewish Culture since 1750 (2012-5). Many of its contributors participated in the four Workshops that we held during 2012-4 at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies. You can learn more about the Project via the Home Page of the website.
The JRA has been set up by Prof Tessa Rajak and Dr Annelies Cazemier. It is currently maintained with the assistance of Dr Michal Molcho.
For further information, or if you have any specific suggestions for material to be included in the JRA, or wish to contribute in any way, please contact us at: jr@orinst.ox.ac.uk.<mailto:jr@orinst.ox.ac.uk>
Martin Goodman, Tessa Rajak, Andrea Schatz