DAPICS: The Digitized Archives Program of the ICS

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Introducing DAPICS

DAPICS (Digitized Archives Program of the International Catacomb Society) is a developing resource for scholars worldwide for visual data on ancient sites.  By integrating current documentation of artifacts with archival images of photographs, maps, plans, drawings, and other materials of historical, archaeological, and religious significance, DAPICS aims to foster interdisciplinary research and reflection on interactions between different societies of the Greco-Roman world.

At present, the archives of the International Catacomb Society contain approximately 5,000 photographic images, which are completely digitized and cataloged in an online database. The strengths of the DAPICS collection include the Jewish catacombs of Rome, epigraphy from the catacombs, early Christian churches in Rome, and early Christian and Jewish iconography. DAPICS hosts a complete set of color images from Joseph Wilpert's Le pitture delle catacombe romane (1903) and selections from private collections generously donated to DAPICS, and, for the most part, unpublished and unique.

The DAPICS archives may be consulted by contacting the staff of the society with a research request at internationalcatacombsociety@gmail.com. These archives are available online via remote access for members of the International Catacomb Society.

The ICS archives contain a number of images that are copyrighted to other institutions or individual photographers. These entities must be applied to directly for permission to reproduce intellectual property that does not belong to the ICS. Please contact internationalcatacombsociety@gmail.com regarding copyright.

Below are institutions that have graciously permitted the ICS to include their images in its archives, while retaining all rights to their reproduction:

Archives of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology (PCAS)
Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra
Palazzo del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
via Napoleone III, 1 - 00185 Rome
T. (+39) - (+39) - F. (+39);
e-mail: pcas@arcsacra.va
website: http://www.archeologiasacra.net/pcas-web/home
Regulations for photographing or filming in catacombs administered by the PCAS:

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology
Via Napoleone III, no. 1 00185, Rome
T. (+39) 06/4465574 F. (+39) 06/4469197
The PIAC archives possess drawings, watercolors, old photographs, and special collections, including the Wilpert and Kirsch archives.

Reverenda Fabbrica di San Pietro (Vatican City)
Ufficio Scavi
00120  Vatican City
T. (039) 06 6988 5318 - F. (039) 06 698 73017
e-mail: scavi@fsp.va; uff.scavi@fabricsp.va

Archives and Photographic Services of the Vatican Museums
Email: fototeca.musei@scv.va and af.musei@scv.va.

Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana
Office of Reproductions & Copyright (Ufficio riproduzioni e diritti)
Vatican Library - Cortile del Belvedere - V-00120 Vatican City
T. (+39)06698.79455 - (+39)06698.79407 - F. (+39)06698.79464

Photographic Archives and Services Online
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma
Largo Peretti, 6 00185, Rome

Segreteria Scientifica - Archivio fotografico e disegni
Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Pompei, Ercolano & Stabia
T. (+39) 0818575223 - 0818575230 - F. (+39) 0818613183
e-mail: ssba-na.pompei@beniculturali.it

Photographic Archive & Fototeca Unione
American Academy in Rome
Via Angelo Masina, 5 00153 Rome, Italy
T. (+39) 06/5846281 (+39) 06/5810788
photoarchive@aarome.org; http://www.aarome.org
Collections include: Parker, Fototeca Unione, van Deman, Winslow

Digital Image Resources
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
465 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
T. 617-369-4338


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