Other Image Archives

Archives that grant reproduction rights for visual material on the catacombs include:

Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archaeology
Palazzo del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Via Napoleone III, no. 1
00185 Rome
tel. tel. +39/ & +39/
fax +39/;
e-mail: pcas@arcsacra.va
website and archives: http://www.archeologiasacra.net

Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology
Via Napoleone III, no. 1
00185, Rome, Italy
Dr. Giorgio Nestori, Librarian and Special Collections: piac.biblio@piac.it
The PIAC archives possess drawings, watercolors, old photographs, and other collections, including the Wilpert and Kirsch archives, and photographs of Jewish epitaphs published in the Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum.

Photographic Archives and Services of the Vatican Museums
Vatican Museums 00120 Vatican City
Tel + 39/06/69883293, 69883293
Fax +39/06/69885061

Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Roma
Photographic Archive (Archivio Fotografico)
Museo Nazionale Romano
Palazzo Massimo alle Terme
Largo Peretti, 6
00185, Rome, Italy

American Academy in Rome
Photographic Archive & Fototeca Unione
Via Angelo Masina, 5
00153 Rome, Italy
Collections include those of Parker, Fototeca Unione, van Deman, Winslow.

Scala Photographic Archives
A free on-line database of over 300,000 images representing works of art, architecture, landscapes, monuments, fashion & photography, history, anthropology and travel.

Digital edition of Josef Wilpert's Die Malereien der Katakomben Roms (Le Pitture delle Catacombe Romane) Freiburg im Breisgau, 1903: